(MovieSub) Download Movie Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

  • Chris Terrio
  • Audience score=309078 Vote
  • J.J. Abrams
  • Country=USA
  • star=Oscar Isaac
  • 6,9 / 10 star

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Download movie star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker d23

Download movie star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker 2019

Sure it is Star Warsey, but it sure isn't Star Wars. The drama of the old Star Wars is gone, as the same with the last couple episodes Star Wars has become a psychodrama. Like a cheap detective novel that introduces a primary character in the last chapter, or resurrects one for convenience. It lacks tension in it's build up to the action scenes. Hashed over lines. Scenes that are nothing more then drawing from decades-old credibility, along with being rather predictable.
The stars in the Star Wars Galaxy have extinguished with a whimper.
May the force be with you.


Download movie star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker news

Download movie star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker free. Download movie star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalker the rise of skywalker. Download movie star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker. It's the perfect Star Wars buffet. If your expecting Michelin Star food you'll be disappointed. But if you love a good buffet then you leave immensely satisfied. I was born on May 4th 1977 so I have Star Wars literally in my DNA and this film is wonderful.

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DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE SPOILERS. This movie had so many holes and so many unanswered questions. First, you never find out what Finn is trying to tell Rey. You cannot bring that up multiple times, and then not close the hole - that's basic storytelling. Especially if this is the last film.
Next, I hated Ben's death scene. I wouldn't have minded it as much if they had given his death proper closure. As one of, if not the best, character in the series, the death of his character was horrifying. He did not have a single line in the last 10 minutes of his ending. His death is sudden, and goes unmourned or uncelebrated. It's like it never happens at all. He just disappears. After the close of the film, it leaves you feeling like his death was a last minute decision.
All the sacrifice - Leia's death, Rey's sacrifices, and Han Solo's death was to SAVE HIM. In the end, he has a brief moment of redemption and then nothing. Meaning, the deaths of Luke, Hans, and Leia all seem meaningless and their legacy is destroyed with him in his death. At the end, it seems they try to rectify this by Rey accepting the name Skywalker - but she's not. The point of the film is that she is NOT a Skywalker. She should have accepted her past, and forged her own future, instead of continuing to build off their legacy (was which has died in Ben.
How did Palpatine come back? They seem to leave this as "the dark side has unnatural power. This is also lazy writing.
I gave this 3 stars because Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley's performances were outstanding, and the action wasn't bad either. They just happened to get screwed over by the bad writing and an unnatural, rushed ending. What was JJ thinking.

Star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker full movie download. Download Movie Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of skywalker. Download movie star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker imdb.

The mandalorian is the only hope left for this franchise

Download movie star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker wiki. I dont understand the fan base anymore, most people liked Force Awakens, everyone loved Rogue One, The Last Jedi was pretty split, Hardly anybody liked Solo... but The Rise Of Skywalker. HOLY COW. what an epic movie. it was the perfect way to end the saga. there was not one part of this movie i felt needed to be cut out, unlike the Canto Bite part in The Last Jedi) and Palaptine is back. from the first moment we hear/see him is was EPIC. what more could a die hard Star Wars fan ask for. no spoilers here- but i really liked how they dealt with Reys parents, it was one of the fan theorys ( Sortta) and i think JJ did it really well ! and to then add onto it to please the other fan base, Lovely. i loved it ! the ending was so Beautiful, and so sad at the same time, again- if your a die hard Star Wars fan- how could you not like it. Go and see this movie, love this movie, share this movie, this is Star Wars, May The Force Be With You. Always.

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